Hydrographic Surveying

Hydrographic surveying services

Hydrographic surveying describes the measurement of depth and features below water level. This is often used for marine construction, dredging, marine navigation, exploration and drilling and environmental analysis. Land Solution Australia offer an efficient shallow water hydrographic survey service that supports mapping of the intertidal zone or region of salt water bodies, rivers, lakes, creeks and estuaries. When integrated with ground based survey to a common datum, our services provide a seamless spatial data model that can be used for a large variety of engineering and environmental analysis.


Our services include

Land Solution Australia’s hydrographic survey capability is often used to map shore lines, depth and extent of underwater features. Typically we perform underwater survey for:

» Pre and post dredging and underwater excavation
» Detection of underwater obstructions and depth
» Volume determinations for material extraction quantities
» Shape of beds and banks for engineering design and
» Predicting coastal unidation and river flooding
» Cross sections, long sections and flow paths


Need help with hydrographic surveying?

If you’re unsure of what needs to be done for your project, please feel free to contact us. Our knowledgeable survey consultants will work with you to determine which services best suit your requirements.